
In the year of 2015, Cnix took a part in building the Central Control System for PAL-XFEL with Cosylab. The PAL-XFEL is the 4th generation accelerator. And Control System for utilities of PAL-XFEL which synchronizes 60 PLCs, 240 vacuum gauges, 12 temperature gauges and 36 displacement gauges with 60Hz was built by Cnix.
Pohang Accelerator Laboratory
Pohang Accelerator Laboratory(PAL) is the first particle accelerator in Korea, which is located in the city of Pohang, South Korea.
Cnix designed and supplied Data Service Platform to control the machines, which are installed at the 2 beam lines, and to analyze the data from experiments. Especially, Cnix took parts in the research for the quality control process of POSCO by providing engineering service in the beam line of INSITU. For the beam line of 6C, Cnix designed the software for control system and image analysis.

KSTAR is the magnetic fusion device that was built at the National Fusion Research Institute in Korea. Cnix designed and supplied the control software for ECH device.